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Learning more, becoming better and making a difference for good!

We are a group of players, parents, coaches, teams, clubs and community organizations who are super passionate about all things success. We have experience training with some of the most talented people in the world, as well as working for some of the most recognized Tier-one Academies in the game.


In short, we are crazy passionate about technical player development, and super dedicated to tactical team training. We absolutely love what we do, and are committed to making a difference for good in the game around the house, in the backyard, at the park, during practice and most definitely on the pitch!


We understand in order for players to learn more and teams to become better, it requires a proven process, of which we have two, including our Individual PLAYER DEVELOPMENT program, as well as our Team COACHES TRAINING program, wherein players are guided step-by-step on what to do outside of practice, teams are lead along a pro-level academy pathway, coaches are confident in how to lead, and together we are achieving good player development, experiencing better team trainings AND performing at your best on the pitch!

At PositionSpecific our online programs are as much about teaching the player how to play, as they are about training the coach on how to coach. We provide the resources to help players, parents, coaches and clubs of all levels around the world learn more and become better both on and off the pitch!

Soccer World Cup


Connecting players, parents, coaches, teams, clubs and community organizations

We connect players, parents, coaches, teams, clubs and community organizations with world-class resources and synergize the sharing of ideas, the cultivation of content, the development of players, the training of teams and the finding of joy in the journey as we learn more, become better and make a difference for good around the world both on and off the pitch!


Establish PositionSpecific as the premier online resource worldwide for player development and team training 

We will establish PositionSpecific as the premier online player development program, and team training resource, worldwide, successfully synergizing the methods, the materials, and the people to deliver the best results, while also maintaining our family-friendly focus, and holding true to the principles that matter the most to who we are, as well as who we strive to become!




We are a collection of players, parents, coaches, teams, clubs and community organizations who combined together have hundreds of years of experience in and around the game. Our qualifications vary from sideline supporter, to English issued UEFA A Licenses, and everything in between. We have worked with, trained in, and won at the grassroots level, the youth level, the high school level, the college level, the state level, the regional level, the national level, the academy level and are excited to draw upon our knowledge to share ideas from our journey with you!



Although there are a lot of ways to play the game, and unlimited amounts of content available, not all of it is equal - some is good, other is better, and there is a limited supply of what is best. Unfortunately with so much to choose from, how do you know which is what? It's important to distinguish which is a distraction, and which is worth your time, energy and efforts - find what is best and focus on achieving your potential...  WE ARE DETERMINED TO BECOME THE SOLUTION!



After years in the making, our solution is now available for the first times in their entirety, and is designed specifically to to help players and coaches alike at all levels. Our focus is to provide proven pathways to individual players, as well as coaches and teams, providing pro-level resources tailored to age and stage of development appropriate models. We hope you will choose to LEARN MORE about what we offer!



You can access our resources, including our Individual PLAYER DEVELOPMENT program, and our Team COACHES TRAINING program, which include more than 25 CLASSES, over 30 weeks of COURSES, our BLOG, our PODCAST, our YouTube Channel and our many other resources are located online at ... in short, all of our stuff is available to you wherever you have an internet connection, and now also includes a mobile app too, which brings all this great goodness to your fingertips like never before!



We recognize that not everyone has the opportunity to spend a lifetime doing what they absolutely love, but because there are people like you, who trust people like us we get to do that, and we sincerely say thank you!


In an effort to make a difference for good in the game around the world, we have online programs, curriculum content, game models, videos, blogs, ebooks and more. What's more, to help us get the word out, we partner with parents, players, coaches, teams, clubs, communities, organizations, influencers, and others as we work together toward achieving better player development AND experiencing the very best in team training!


Without doubt, we know the right partnerships will create additional opportunities for all of us to help develop more players, and successfully train more teams around the world, building upon the current methods and materials available today, and discovering the training tips, tricks, tools and techniques of tomorrow!


What's more, we see our partnerships as opportunities to work together and improve our outcomes - where the combination of our efforts are greater than the simple sum of our individual parts! Just imagine, players, parents, coaches and clubs like you, complimenting your work with talented professionals like us, partnering in order to learn more and become better TOGETHER!

If you are interested in joining in on our journey, check out our
PARTNERS program.

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