Our very popular Individual PLAYER DEVELOPMENT package is organized for players to learn more and become better technically and tactically outside of team training, and not only includes everything from our Virtual CLASSES and COURSES membership, for example more than 30 CLASSES and over 10 COURSES, but also adds our popular step-by-step program specifically designed for individual players to know what to do, and how to do it, when practicing on their own, as they work toward achieving good player development, experiencing better team training, and ultimately performing at their very best on the pitch!
AND our Team COACHES TRAINING package is specifically organized for coaches to learn more and become better at teaching players the technical skills and the tactical knowledge necessary to performing at their very best, and not only includes everything from our Virtual CLASSES and COURSES membership, for example more than 30 CLASSES and over 10 COURSES, as well as everything from our Individual PLAYER DEVELOPMENT, such as our step-by-step individual development program, but also adds our popular session-by-session coaches curriculum detailing the process of developing a winning strategy and successfully imposing your team identity onto the opposition as they work toward achieving good player development, experiencing better team training, and ultimately performing at their very best on the pitch!